If you annually have a full house for the holidays, or entertain frequently, you may need a new roof before your neighbor. We have a little-known explanation. It involves heat, humidity, and condensation.
How Does the Population of a Home Affect the Roof?
When discussing the relationship between your roof and an abundance of guests at home, it comes down to humans producing heat, humidity, and condensation.
At rest, the average person generates heat at about 0.07 kW an hour. When people are engaged in festivities, they generate even more. Heat rises and collects under your roof, potentially blistering or cracking shingles.
Speaking of heat, when there is an excessive amount of people in one home, they generate more heat than the HVAC system is designed for.
Frequent use of the dishwasher, oven, and stove, like prepping for holiday meals, releases a lot of humidity. High humidity levels can injure your decking and shingles.
Frequent use of the bathroom and the clothes dryer causes condensation in the home. Additionally, people breathe out a lot of air vapor throughout the day. All this moisture may collect and form mold under the roof.
The Damage Will Only Get Worse.
Mold, decking, and shingle damage open the door to more problems.
The roof deck holds the whole system together. If it isn't intact, you're at risk for structural damage, pest infestations, and high energy bills.
Mold reduces the lifespan of your roof, and it’s toxic to humans and pets. Not to mention the musty smell!
Of course, we aren't suggesting you change your family traditions. But it’s important to ensure that your home has enough ventilation. Your home may need a dehumidifier and conserving energy as much as possible can also help. Inspect your roof if you suspect damage. If you're in West Michigan, call Town Corners Exteriors at 616-772-9700 or fill out our contact form for a FREE inspection and estimate.
Avoid the consequences of roof damage. Happy holidays!